Progress reports due soon? Lesson plans? Parent emails to return? High stakes testing??

Progress reports due soon? Lesson plans? Parent emails to return? High stakes testing??

The Whole-Hearted Coherent Teacher

In an ideal world every teacher would enter their classroom every day feeling on top of the world.

In an ideal world all teachers would be physiologically coherent, meaning they are well regulated every day. They would be filled with passion and energy to motivate, educate, and inspire children to do great things.

In an ideal world students would come into class mentally, physically, and emotionally prepared for the day. In an ideal world students would enter the classroom well fed, well rested, and ready with their school supplies.

We don’t live in an ideal world.

Our real world is chaotic, busy, and overwhelming at times, and yet there is hope! We may not be able to change the home lives our most troubled students, we may not be able to wish away standardized testing, we may not be able to wave a magic wand and have every child properly fed, cared for, and primed for learning when they walk through our doors, but we absolutely can change the way we react to, respond to, or take in the impact of everything that is outside of our control.

The truth is there is only one thing you can control, and that is you.

My whole life I have wanted to be a teacher. While I enjoy teaching and working with children, my passion, my LOVE, is supporting other teachers. Teachers have such an incredibly important role in the lives of children. Teachers have the capacity to change the trajectory of a child’s life, to educate children, to inspire children, and to love children who may need it the most and who don’t get it anywhere else.

Teachers are incredibly overwhelmed, exhausted, stressed out, and burnt out.

I believe my role, my purpose on this planet, is to help teachers just like you to heal from past traumas, to find a healthy work/life balance, and to reignite their passion for teaching. You know, just help you be the person you came here to be before you got bogged down by outside circumstances (like a pandemic).

Pretty much anything that gets in the way of you enjoying your job, showing up with authenticity, and teaching from a compassionate heart with a sense of purpose is what I am here to help you release.

My purpose is to help build an ‘army’ of whole-hearted, courageous, coherent teachers who are armed with compassion, love, and purpose! The thing is, you can’t give to others what you don’t have for yourself.

The part of my job I love the most is connecting heart to heart and watching the unfolding of a self aware, empowered teacher.


I am looking for motivated teachers who want to make a positive difference in the world, even and especially if you are currently overwhelmed, tired, stressed to the max, and ready to leave a profession you once loved. (You deserve to feel the joy and share your passions)

I am looking for teachers who want to feel more joy in their professions, who want to be a part of a larger community of like-minded and like-spirited educators. (Can you imagine what we can do if we put our collective minds and hearts together??)

I am looking for teachers who understand that our students are entering our classrooms with more “baggage” than ever before, and we MUST address those issues BEFORE we can even think about teaching content. (Don’t worry, I will teach you what you need to know)

Teaching is not for the faint of heart, as you full well know. It is for the whole-hearted individual who truly wants to be self aware, who is interested in self growth, and who wants to make a positive difference in the world.

You are one of my peeps if you are willing to take courageous steps, and if you are willing to risk some vulnerability in order to tap into your tremendous capacity for creativity, passion, and purpose. You are one of my peeps if you also have a strong desire to heal within so you may foster safe, healing spaces for yourself and others.

Last, but not least, you are one of my peeps if you are ready to make a commitment to healing yourself, building your capacity for resilience, and living a heart based life full of joy.

I just love you, everything you are, and everything you do. I can hardly wait to meet you and get started on our journey together. Together we can build that army of whole-hearted, loving, compassionate and supporting teachers who will revolutionize education as we know it.

Remember, the Evolution of Education begins with YOU.

Whew! That was the hard part. Now that you know you want to learn more about yourself and how you can live a more joyful life, just choose from an option below.

You may be able to use funds in your Health Savings Account for life coaching, stress management, or mindfulness/well-being. Just sayin…

Finding the Gifts

Finding the Gifts is deep dive into self-reflection and healing. It includes 4 life coaching calls and 2 EMF Balancing combo sessions These sessions will span over the course of 6-8 weeks. During that time I will be available for questions by email in-between our scheduled sessions.

Finding the Gifts is really about uncovering your gifts that are often hidden beneath what seems to be stress, anxiety, overwhelm, frustrations, or challenges in your day-to-day life. We may not always be able to control the events happening around us, but we can learn to manage how we respond to them, and maybe even find gratitude for them. What better way to renew your spirit, heart, and passion!

In the world of education, we talk about the importance of educating the whole child. I am here to tell you there is something even more important than that. Something infinitely more important. Before you can nurture the whole child (or children) you must first nurture YOUR whole self.

Something has to give, and it is time for you to take care of YOU.

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Transformational Life Coaching

Life coaching with an intuitive twist. I am highly intuitive and empathic. In these sessions I connect with you heart to heart, soul to soul, to give you what you need most in that moment. This can include traditional stress management, guided meditations, visualizations, hypnotherapy, releasing trapped emotional energy, and beyond.

This is for ONE session, which last approximately 60 minutes. These sessions are delivered by phone or through zoom chat sessions.

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EMF Balancing Technique®

Sometimes we just want to feel better, without being “coached”. Sometimes we just want to relax, receive, and feel supported. EMF Balancing is like getting a massage for your spirit and your soul. If you want to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ‘ride’ this is for you!

This is for a package of 4 EMF Balancing Sessions. Each session will last approximately 30-40 minutes and will be spaced out about 1-2 weeks apart. Most clients report feeling the deepest sense of peace and calm they have ever felt once their session is complete.

These sessions are delivered by phone or through zoom chat sessions.

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