EMF Balancing Technique®


EMF Balancing Technique®


Sometimes we just want to feel better, without being “coached”. Sometimes we just want to relax, receive, and feel supported. EMF Balancing is like getting a massage for your spirit and your soul. If you want to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ‘ride’ this is for you!

This is for a package of 4 EMF Balancing Sessions. Each session will last approximately 30-40 minutes and will be spaced out about 1-2 weeks apart. Most clients report feeling the deepest sense of peace and calm they have ever felt once their session is complete.

These sessions are delivered by phone or through zoom chat sessions.

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This package includes 4 individual EMF Balancing Technique sessions. Each session has a specific focus for balance and well-being. The first session the focus is finding a balance between the heart and the mind. The second session the focus is self empowerment, self-direction, and self-support as you release excess energy around old events that no longer serve you. The third session is designed to help you connect more fully with your true essence, and bring that into your day to day life. The fourth session is about opening to new potentials and choosing some new things you would like to bring into your daily life. These sessions are done by phone or video chat, will sound much like a guided meditation, and you will feel deeply at peace throughout and refreshed at the end.