Finding the Gifts

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Finding the Gifts


Finding the Gifts is deep dive into self-reflection and healing. It includes 4 life coaching calls and 2 EMF Balancing combo sessions These sessions will span over the course of 6-8 weeks. During that time I will be available for questions by email in-between our scheduled sessions.

Finding the Gifts is really about uncovering your gifts that are often hidden beneath what seems to be stress, anxiety, overwhelm, frustrations, or challenges in your day-to-day life. We may not always be able to control the events happening around us, but we can learn to manage how we respond to them, and maybe even find gratitude for them. What better way to renew your spirit, heart, and passion!

In the world of education, we talk about the importance of educating the whole child. I am here to tell you there is something even more important than that. Something infinitely more important. Before you can nurture the whole child (or children) you must first nurture YOUR whole self.

Something has to give, and it is time for you to take care of YOU.

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Finding the Gifts is deep dive into self-reflection and healing. It includes 4 life coaching calls and 2 EMF Balancing combo sessions These sessions will span over the course of 6-8 weeks. During that time I will be available for questions by email in-between our scheduled sessions.

Finding the Gifts is really about uncovering your gifts that are often hidden beneath what seems to be stress, anxiety, overwhelm, frustrations, or challenges in your day-to-day life. We may not always be able to control the events happening around us, but we can learn to manage how we respond to them, and maybe even find gratitude for them. What better way to renew your spirit, heart, and passion!

In the world of education, we talk about the importance of educating the whole child. I am here to tell you there is something even more important than that. Something infinitely more important. Before you can nurture the whole child (or children) you must first nurture YOUR whole self. Isn’t it time you let go of stress, embraced peace, and nurtured yourself?