Transformational Life Coaching

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Transformational Life Coaching


Life coaching with an intuitive twist. I am highly intuitive and empathic. In these sessions I connect with you heart to heart, soul to soul, to give you what you need most in that moment. This can include traditional stress management, guided meditations, visualizations, hypnotherapy, releasing trapped emotional energy, and beyond.

This is for ONE session, which last approximately 60 minutes. These sessions are delivered by phone or through zoom chat sessions.

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Single sessions are just that, a single session of coaching. A lot can be accomplished in one hour. In this session, we will do whatever it is that is needed, or whatever it is that you are ready for in that moment. This can be used as a traditional stress management coaching call, a Reflections coaching call, or an intuitive life coaching call-something I like to call Soul Whispering!