Reflections® Coaching


Reflections® Coaching


Reflections coaching is a unique blend of finding clarity of purpose, defining a direction, and clearing energy that has been blocking you from achieving your desired outcomes. Even a single session can be transformative.

This is for a single session, which will last approximately 60 minutes. These sessions are delivered by phone or through zoom chat sessions.

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Reflections coaching is a part of the EMF Balancing family of services. This is just one other tool we can use to manage our personal energy. It is a unique way to see where we waste energy and where we can do more to support our energy in loving ways. In our time together we will craft an intention, something you would like to create or experience. Then work with the energy patterns, choose attributes of mastery to support your intention, and clear energy that was getting in the way. Make no mistake about it, this is a very powerful hour long session!

Once payment is received, I will contact you to schedule your session.